If you’re looking for a dedicated and knowledgeable trustee who values integrity, teamwork, and good governance, please consider voting for me.

My husband and I moved to Prince George in 1996, and our two daughters have graduated from SD57 schools. I’ve volunteered for various organizations such as the Library Board, Hart Community Association, and school PACs. After my daughters’ school closed in 2010, I started attending District Parent Advisory Council meetings and eventually became Chair. Professionally, I work as a financial planning specialist and analyst, collaborating with financial advisors across Canada.

Through participating in board and district committee meetings, I’ve gained a deep understanding of the challenges our district faces. My professional experience has given me the skills to make informed decisions about the district’s $187 million budget (now $199 million budget). I know the ins and outs of policy, as well as a trustee’s roles and responsibilities.

I believe in promoting a collaborative and respectful atmosphere on the board, both among fellow trustees and with the public. Effective public education depends on working together with board members, staff, stakeholders, and rights holders to provide high-quality education. Our main focus should be addressing the needs of our students, to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.

I recognize the limitations of being a single board member with one vote, as well as the constraints of the board as a whole. However, by drawing on my policy knowledge and expertise in parliamentary procedures, I can contribute to better decision-making processes.

  • As a trustee, I would be dedicated to working on various initiatives, such as:
    Improving board governance knowledge and functionality
  • Updating policies to keep them current and easy to understand
  • Creating a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment for all students and staff, no matter their race, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability
  • Continually improving student graduation rates
  • Advocating for fairness and inclusion
  • Enhancing communication and transparency, building stronger connections between the board and the district community, and promoting open dialogue and collaboration
  • Ensuring the most effective use of the district’s funding
  • Actively addressing capacity and catchment issues
  • Implementing the special advisors’ board work plan, with the ultimate goal of making our district a provincial leader

By sarah